July 2009

I often think that reaching out is in pleasant, easy situations. What happens if I’m in a situation that’s a challenge – can I still reach out?

One of the blog followers shared an interesting perspective with me “off-blog,” with permission for me to reprint the comment anonymously.

“I had company from far away that was really stingy with compliments and appreciation. In retrospect, I realized that although I kinda did have those comments coming, being the host and all, how complimentary was I? Did I look for things to praise and make nice comments about? I could have been more generous of spirit too. And despite the fact that some people project supreme confidence and supremacy, perhaps that comes from a need to be be acknowledged as well.”

So the next time we host, maybe we’ll look for opportunities to praise our guests. Let’s give it a try!

Having just registered for another interesting networking event, this topic is timely. I decided to remind myself why I’m attending these events. Here’s what I came up with:

  • Why network? To connect with people. To build my social circle. To develop my community of writers. To find new venues – there are locations other than coffee shops!
  • How do I decide which events to attend? Review my schedule, the distance from my home to the event, and the subject. If there’s an open slot, the distance is reasonable (under 1 hour), and the subject is interesting, count me in!
  • Will I learn something new? My philosophy is that I’ll always learn something new. It may be from the presentation. I may learn a new tidbit from another attendee. Or I may discover a beautiful route as I travel to the event.

So over the next several weeks, I’m attending events in Lyndhurst, Independence, Hudson, and of course, Cleveland. The subjects range from technical writing to … networking! Check out my LinkedIn profile for specifics.

And I’m looking forward to the travels!

With gratitude to The Bard, I’ll be focusing on reaching out today:
“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.” (William Shakespeare)

I can get all caught up in “Why didn’t so-and-so call me?” Instead, just make that contact, send an email, smile at someone – send out a beam from those little candles.

The fun part is: Who can I reach out to today? What good deed can I do? Who might need what I have to give?

It is a weary world – let’s go out and light some candles!

The day’s reading in The Wealthy Spirit (Chellie Campbell) inspired me to stay in action. Chellie wrote about goal-setting and goal-getting. Goal-getting is “taking action to get the goal you set” (Day 12).

I had several goals on my “to do” list today. Miraculously, I’ve accomplished several of them. Writing down the goals is one thing and there is sometimes a disconnect between the writing and the doing.  So how did I accomplish the goals today?

  • Wrote an action item list
  • Used the inspiration to jump start my actions
  • Reviewed the list – pick an easy action to start
  • Check off each item (how fun!)
  • Treat myself after I accomplished several items (I’m meeting a friend this afternoon for a walk)

By golly, even writing a list can help lead to growth!

  • We sent men to the moon 40 years ago this month. I remember it as a miraculous, wondrous event. Science fiction became non-fiction.
  • Walter Cronkite, premiere TV news anchor person, died Friday, July 17, 2009. As the Plain Dealer reported, “…steady, straightforward, authoritative yet folksy.”
  • And me, interviewed about being unemployed in Ohio with the jobless rate now at 11.1%. What are the prospects?

When I saw these three news stories on the front page of the Plain Dealer, I was shocked. There must be a connection. The moon landing was momentous. Cronkite’s passing is the end of an era. I wondered, “How did I end up sharing the front page with these events?”

Ohio’s unemployment rate hit 11.1% in June. This is extraordinary. What, indeed, are our prospects? All of us unemployed folks are at a crossroads. Will we wallow in our sadness? Or, will we take the lead from those visionaries in 1969 and aim for the moon? Will we follow Cronkite’s lead and become legendary? Will we take this opportunity to reinvent ourselves?

Nothing is coincidental. As I said in the article, “I’m a glass-half-full type of person.” If I’m sharing the front page with the moon landing and Walter Cronkite, then I’m to take my lead from them. I’m envisioning new frontiers. I’m committed to growing my craft and maybe emulate Cronkite’s “straightforward, authoritative yet folksy” style.

A personal “thank you” to Olivera Perkins, the Plain Dealer reporter for the unemployment article. Thank you for your accurate reporting and for championing the unemployed!

OK, so this is not a very creative title. However, the message is extremely relevant. It’s my outlook on life and helps me through all of these travels and challenges. It’s also how many of my friends and colleagues see their current situations. We’re a positive, energetic, upbeat bunch of people.

I can take the image further – the glass is half full of delicious chocolate milk or a gentle dry wine or my favorite coffee! In other words, there’s good out there and I have it in my life.

What’s your glass half full with today?

I often start my day with a writing exercise – committing my thoughts, feelings, and sometimes my plan for the day to paper. I’m often pleasantly surprised by the unintended outcome. My visions for my life show up in purple and white! (I type those pages in purple – my favorite color.) Sometimes there is clarity about the next action; other times it’s a simple thought that I may develop.

As stated so beautifully in Cirque du Soleil: The Spark (p. 42), “When you finally give voice to your dreams, you never know what’s going to happen.” (Here’s my review.)

Go out today and “give voice to your dreams!”

Life is full of changes, challenges and they are all good. Throughout my transitions, I learn and grow. And my writing reflects my travel experiences – actual journeys, spiritual quests, and growth through challenges!

My theme poem encapsulates my overall view of my travels. Join me as we re-read part of Robert Frost’s, “The Road Not Taken.”

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both…
…Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

I look forward to exploring changes, challenges, transitions and travels with you. Welcome to “Growing the Write Way.”


Updated June 19, 2016: I recently stumbled across a recording of the poem, reportedly by Robert Frost himself. Here’s the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie2Mspukx14. (Note: A short unrelated ad appears at the beginning of the video.)