Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?

You’re long-lost writing buddy!

For real? Are you really here?

Well, open the door and find out!


Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!


Oh! It’s so great to see you! I’ve missed you!

[Sharing warm hug.] I’ve missed you too!

Where have you been?

Hmmm…Los Angeles, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas…

Really? You traveled?


With or without your laptop?

With, of course!

So, why didn’t you write and let me know?

Uh, I…uh…dunno.

Well, the main point is that you’re here, you’re safe and we’re back in touch!

And you’re so forgiving!

I’m working on that! C’mon in. Let’s chat over iced coffee and you can catch me up!

And thanks for understanding and your patience. I’ll try and stay in touch more often.

Hmmm…I’ve heard that before…

Really, this time I’ll try harder!

I’ll hold you to that…or no iced coffee!

Got it! Let’s get in out of this heat. Ya’ll know I could use an iced drink today!

Iced Coffee Fixins

Iced Coffee Fixins

*Photography ©SL Henkin